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3D Graphics

Semi-transparent Selection with Halo

Starting from Eyeshot 2022.2 it is possible to draw dynamically selected entities with a halo effect. Starting from Eyeshot 2023 it is possible to draw both static and dynamic selection entities with a halo effect. All the relevant settings are grouped under the property Workspace.Selection. The …

by Leone Ruggiero | May 30, 2022 | Share


Modeling Practice Drawings 42

Brep elbow; //creating the first part of the elbow var headRegion = devDept.Eyeshot.Entities.Region.CreateRoundedRectangle(360, 360, 10); for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { for (int k = 0; k < 2; k++) { Func<int, int> calcPos = (int pos) => (pos > 0) ? (pos * (360 - …

by Gian Maria Gentilini | May 30, 2022 | Share


Eyeshot NuGet Packages: SDK projects

The Eyeshot installer comes with official NuGet packages for .NET 6, 7, 8, and .NET Framework 4.7.2. In Visual Studio 2022, you can easily install these packages by using the new entry under the Visual Studio Extensions menu. If you rely on a legacy project, you can refer to this article that expl…

by Marcello Stagni | May 26, 2022 | Share


Base revolve sketch

Sketch sk1 = new Sketch(); SketchLine[] segments = sk1.AddPolygon( new Point2D(0, 0), new Point2D(130, 0), new Point2D(130, 53), new Point2D(116, 53), new Point2D(116, 37.5), new Point2D(98, 37.5), new Point2D(98, 53), new Point2D(0, 53) ); // hor/ver constraints …

by Alberto Bencivenni | May 17, 2022 | Share


Eyeshot 2022.1

We are proud to announce the availability of a new Eyeshot 2022 stable build: 2022.1.376 Highlights Added support for zoom invariant dimensions text in SketchManager class Added SketchManager.Fit, RotateToPlane, Margin and ZoomFitMode properties. Added support for SketchEntity export Added support…

April 05, 2022 | Share

3D Graphics

Better Transparency

  Feature conflict The following approach won't work as expected when MinimumFrameRate is enabled. By default Eyeshot has design.AccurateTransparency property set to false. This allows rendering transparent entities without the preprocessing step (design.ProcessSemiTransparent()) required by the…

by Simone Maccaferri | February 15, 2022 | Share


Silent installation

The Eyeshot installer is MSI-based, allowing you to perform a silent installation using standard MSI package commands. Below are some examples of command-line instructions: Install with a verbose logdevDeptEyeshotSetup20241203.exe /exenoui /qn /L*V log.txt ADDLOCAL=ALL Install with a verbose log …

by Marcello Stagni | February 11, 2022 | Share


Eyeshot 2022 Released 🎆

Bologna, Italy — February 4, 2022. devDept Software S.r.l., leading provider of software development tools to the engineering industry, today announces the release of Eyeshot 2022, the native CAD control for .NET Framework.   What's New Geometric kernel / UI separation (stage I)In this stag…

February 04, 2022 | Share

3D Graphics

Performance Tips

The main performance feature of Eyeshot is the Minimum Frame Rate. It basically skips small objects during dynamic movements trying to maintain the target frame rate. The following settings affect the number of drawn objects when the Minimum Frame Rate is enabled, and affect the FPS when disabled. …

by Simone Maccaferri | December 21, 2021 | Share

3D Graphics

Eyeshot 2022 Minimum Frame Rate feature

  How it works Simplifies the geometry during Zoom/Pan/Rotate removing small objects trying to maintain the target frame rate. Once the dynamic movement is completed the progressive drawing kicks in to avoid blocking the UI. It can be deactivated using the Design.MinimumFrameRate property set to z…

by Alberto Bencivenni | December 13, 2021 | Share